Tuesday, August 5, 2014

2nd Day of My 90 Day Challenge With Skinny Body Care

Day 2 was much more difficult than Day 1. I knew before I started this challenge I would have days in the beginning that would be difficult for me. Today I wanted to eat chips, frozen pizza, food from the deli at my job...typical stuff that I was normally used to eating. But I made myself say "no" and walked away from it all. Its tough but hey I got to break the habit of eating unhealthy. 

My day was also kinda busy so I didn't really eat 6 meals/snacks like I did on Day 1. School starts back here tomorrow (yay lol) so I had to take my kids this morning to their schools to drop off their school supplies. Then after having 4 days off from work...I had to return to work. So that kinda threw my day off a little. Out of the 1,450 calories I'm allowed to have per the My Fitness Pal app, I only took in 1,080. Then the app told me I needed to take in at LEAST 1,200 calories per day. Apparently the app isn't aware I didn't have time to eat that many calories today, LOL.

This is what my daily menu looked like for today. It's kinda cruddy actually.

32 whole wheat crackers - 280 cal.
16 oz. orange juice - 220 cal.

Morning Snack

1 oz. Jack's Link Peppered Jerky - 80 cal.

Afternoon Snack
1 oz. Jack's Link Peppered Jerky - 80 cal. (yes I had 2 for the day)

Zaxby's house salad w/ grilled chicken, no tomato - 420 cal.

8 cups = 64 ounces

I didn't have time to walk, or do any other kind of exercise so I counted my 7.5 hrs. at work as my exercise for the day. I am not exactly sure how many calories I coulda burned, but I am gonna say 200. Come on I work in a grocery store and I was putting up items off the pallets out onto the floor. Thats a lot of physical work, I had to of burned at least 200 calories :)

So yeah, that about sums up my day. Have to be back to work in about 8 1/2 hrs. so I better get some sleep, eh?

Interested in learning more about the 90 Day Challenge, Skinny Body Care and Skinny Fiber? Check out my links below.

90 Day Challenge: http://bethanyc.sbc90.com
Watch Short Movie: http://bethanyc.1GreatMovie.com
Join As A Pre-Enrollee: http://bethanyc.WealthyAndTrim.com
Add Me On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/teamwithbethany

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